Field Hockey Victoria AGM
Field Hockey Victoria Society
Annual General Meeting
Monday, February 19, 2018
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Boardroom @ Commonwealth Pool (4636 Elk Lake Drive)
Meeting Agenda:
1. Approval of the agenda
2. Approve minutes of the previous AGM
3. Executive reports (Juniors, Men, Ladies, Umpires, Turf)
4. Approval of the Financial report
5. Election of Directors
a. President (incumbent: Mark Baggott, VIFHA)
b. Vice-President (incumbent: Kathryn Dawson, VJFHA)
c. Treasurer (incumbent: Mike Rodgers, VIFHA)
d. Secretary (incumbent: Ali Lee, VILFHA)
e. Directors at Large (incumbents: Nancy Griffin, Sandy Grimwood, Denise McGeachy)
6. Appointment of Auditor, if required
7. Turf Update
8. Any other business
Voting structure reminder:
• Vancouver Island Ladies Field Hockey Association: 2 Votes
• Vancouver Field Hockey Association: 2 Votes
• Victoria Junior Field Hockey Association: 2 Votes
• South Island Field Hockey Umpires’ Association: 1 Vote
All members of the above association plus others with interest in field hockey in Victoria are welcome to attend.